Giacomo Avogadro was born in Genoa a city on the sea in the northwest of Italy during the sixties. He lived there for 25 years and studied at university obtaining a master’s degree in finance and economics. Recently in 2016 he obtained a master in international business and strategies at Iowa University.

In 1990 he moved to Venice north east of Italy for business reasons but he never stops to “make “pictures.

He is a traveler, Milano, London, Paris, Barcelona, Sevilla, Lisbon but not only Europe, LA, NYC, Boston, Miami, New Orleans, Chicago..

Last year 2022 after the Covid period he decided to move with the family to KC, Kansas to follow the American dream.

In his pictures, he tries to put together people in different contest and situation and as street photographer his intent is to discover and go deeply into different culture absorbing as much as he can.

Movement, multicultural environment, sea, culture, art, travel, big cities are common elements in his pictures.

Copyright © Giacomo Avogadro
All rights reserved.
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